Sunday 20 July 2014

Beady Eyes

Yesterday between looking after the boys and trying to motivate myself to start the beading on my Indian owl. (As well as trying to finish my knitting) I actually managed to have a quick play around with my watercolours.

He's definitely not my best work, for starters I always tend to work better on a larger scale but I've  fallen in love with illustrations on book pages after stumbling upon some on pinterest. I also did it in five minutes using a postage stamp sized picture on my phone as an image to work from.

But I actually kind of like him, I think he's got a certain something. And I love his big old beady eyes!

This is probably just me being optimistic about him though, I can already hear the voices of art teachers past telling me to bin it and start on something fresh!
Which I might just do (not the binning part) the starting fresh part, it's been ages since I've had a go at painting. I'm thinking something of the large scale variety, possibly on canvas. And to be honest I am quite liking the idea of doing an owl! Just need to get myself a canvas now and to get my bum into gear.

Speaking of getting my bum into gear I have a list of things to do as long as my arm!
  • finish current knitting project for etsy.
  • finish patchwork quilt (lord give me the strength to actually complete this project!)
  • aprons to be sewn
  • needle books to be made
  • beading on Indian owl to be started/completed
  • all embroidery projects to be turned into cushions
The list goes on and on and on!
It seems every time something's finished something else rears its ugly head!
Much Love

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