Tuesday 30 September 2014

Once, twice , three times a sleepy lady!

You remember not long ago I made myself my first pair of Margot pyjamas from love a first stitch? Well in an effort to really perfect my sewing I made another two pairs after that! both with variations! so without further ado ladies and gentlemen, please prepare yourself for some awkward posing and some props! Oh yeah its not just my awkward mug, its props as well! Id also like to apologise that you don't get a full view, but me and my tripod were having a bit of a row!

So grab a glass of wine, sit down and enjoy the ride! Go on have a giggle on me!

Here's my original pair! and no I haven't just woken up I thought the timer wasn't working! And here's Ted, if you haven't watched the Ted movie watch it! Its amazing and yeah it makes me cry!
Pair No.2
Is that an actual brew? Ill let you decide? But Frankie where's you hand?
Why its in my pocket! Yeah I made pockets! (smiles smugly) You can put things in them and everything!
Pair No.3
Short version, these don't have pockets but their still pretty darn sweet! Super awkward pose here!
This is snowy! I've had him since I was a little girl! we are inseparable! He's getting a little old now though, so don't be surprised if there's a post on here one day about me having to sew his head back on, he's got quite the floppy neck at the moment!

Anyway that's enough awkward poses for one day! But be prepared I've been doing a LOT of refashioning recently!

right I'm off to bed in pair No.2!

Much Love



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